Monday, July 28, 2014


Rains.....The blessings from Heavenly abode

Rains, Monsoon, showers…..
these words, by themselves generate a big sigh of relief, sudden burst of excitement, enthusiasm from within oneself and the smiles and laughter, irrespective of the biological clock one is tuned to. 

Actually every season, our country is blessed with, all are immense joy to be soaked into.
Every season eventually reaches its zenith, paving way to the next and simultaneously every life on the earth awaits the change with extreme passion, desire and urge.
The cold winter paves way for the flowery spring, the spring for the hot summer, the summer for the wet monsoon, the fall of autumn follows & then again back to the Winter.
The funniest part is, an irony as we say, we experience the peak in each of the season and desperately wait for the next to follow for a relief, and the same goes on for every turn of the change.

Monsoon, is my flavour of the time. 

Of course, besides the most romantic season of the lot, the season is dreaded for it's share of thunder showers with wild breeze, high tides, floods, landslides, tsunamis etc.
But nevertheless, the season, as is, continue to remain the darling of every living being on the earth.
The hot & scorching summer, which precedes the rains, not only boils up the earth, but the fiery fire also raises the temperatures of the lives, above & beneath the mother earth.
The man of today’s, is already a much stressed up commodity with its share of hardships, responsibilities, commitments & expectations.
He somehow tries in vain to keep creating magic by juggling & balancing all his rings to garner what he wants the most, the attention. But eventually, keeps dropping one to save another and lands up crashing.
Over & above, these disappointments, the extremities of heat outside his body fuels up his miseries.
And thus, when he sees passing clouds over his head, he rises in hope.
And as he feels few droplets of water on his body, his fingers stretches to feel the wet skin. And the sweet fragrance of the sand of the first rain radiating from the earth beneath enlivens the cells of his nose, otherwise dead.
He suddenly feels lighten up, as all the baggage of sorrows, miseries, anger; seem to get dissolved under the pouring sky.
He feels ONE with everyone around him. He starts loving every life, which shares the same joy as his, with every drop of rain on them.
He seems to be so relieved and freed to start looking at the sky, the bathed up buildings, the dancing leaves as if competing to take the most share of the blessings from above, the swinging branches & the smiling trees holding them, the children crazily jumping in the puddles, the rhythmic running of the people with the umbrellas, the small palms stretched out from the oversized raincoats of the school returning kids, trying to grab and store rain in their palms and feel it over their faces, the people running out of their houses, on the streets, to be a part of the heavenly sight, few elderly people sitting in their chairs of their balconies, getting smiles back on their faces, as if after years, the honking and screeching sound from the moving cars, with half shut window panes, non-working wiper blades, and drivers struggling to keep their glasses clean.

For few of the travellers, it’s like getting late to reach to their destinations and for the few, the world has suddenly come to a halt;
For few it’s to avoid getting dirty in the muddy puddles and rains, whereas for few, it feels like a medicinal rush, draining out all their diseases and sins;
For few it’s the moment to shed tears of sorrows behind the running waters from above and for few it’s crying in happiness behind the same waters;

Here, I am, from a distant window of my room, getting soaked into all these sights emerging in front of me.
The feeling emerged in me, as if I know all these people. As if I know what they are passing through, what they are going through. I could relate myself fully to their part of joys and unhappiness. Their tears brought tears to my eyes and their smiles made those tears laugh.
And suddenly, It’s like, struck as a lightening thought,
 This moment of utter exhilaration, the life of these emotions, is here just for a short time. Just for a while.
Then, for what are we here on this earth?
The seasons never miss their virtue of right timing & extreme intensity. They are utmost sincere to fulfil their part of the duties and rightly deliver what they are expected to.
With every passing of the seasons, our hairs are getting greyer, the skin is getting crumpled, the vision is getting blurrier, the hands and legs are getting weaker, the brain cells are getting degenerated.
We can’t be just staring as a mere spectator to these wonderful blessings.
We can’t just stand in utter dumbness & blinded to these giving.
In fact, we need to be an active part of this changing phenomenon.
We need to be the change, ourselves.
We need to help rekindle the lives around us.
Few of the lives around us are living dead. We don’t need to wait for any seasons or occasions to bring them to life.
Let’s gather & store, a part of the attribute of every season, in our hearts and distribute the happiness and smiles to all, in all seasons.
It may can be mere extending one’s hand to reach to the other,
..may be just a matter of sharing a little time together.
..may be just a matter of silent listening for a while.
..may be just a matter of crying together, laughing together, celebrating together.
With a cup of tea in my hand, my eyes staring out of my window & my mind experiencing an absolute silence in the noisy surroundings, I suddenly felt the soft touch on my shoulder. I could feel warm wetness on my shirt, only to turn back and astonished to find my childhood friend, moved away from each other years back, standing there with his arms stretched in a rare combination of smiles and tears in his eyes.
I was overwhelmed, in awe with strange excitement & pounding heart beats. All the emotions experienced in the past few moments came rushing to the fore. With the tears in my eyes, I stretched my arms to hug him tight, so as never to be parted again and just in time, with a loud thunder & thud, heavy rains started pouring again.
And there, both of us rushed back towards my window, stretching our hands out and laughed at each other, as if, this moment of pouring rains, enlivened all the memories of our times together. :-)

By –
Sanjay Jogani
15th-June-2018 (revised & updated)
Mumbai. India.
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