Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Making your family feel special


 “Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family.” –Anthony Brandt. Our family and friends are always the first with whom we share our every achievement and the problems which come our way. In our everyday life, we are so busy working on more important things and forgetting the most important one- our families. We try to achieve something to make them happy and forget that their happiness lies in being with us. In spending time with us. I know you care about your family a lot but we all often fail to express this. Do you know how can we fill this void?


1: Your vocal tones: Your tones of excitement and happiness on your face send a positive note to your family. Express your happiness and love for your family by expressing happiness and cheerfulness in your voice. Be joyful around your family it will make them feel special and wanted. 


2. Surprise them with something special: You know when you make someone feel special surprisingly it is the best feeling as it not only brings happiness two way but also makes that person feel that they hold some importance in your life. A small gesture of yours can make your family feel special drastically.  


3. Spend time with your family: Just make sure that you give enough time to your family. We all are so busy in our day-to-day lives that we don’t sit down to spend some time just with our family. Discussing problems, finding solutions, and living in the moments to make happy memorable memories is all you need. You know problems often come with only one solution i.e. sharing them. Sharing your problems and time with your family can make you the happiest person around the globe. 


Our family must know how important they are to us. Our to-do list should be designed in a way that our priorities should always comprise our family. Try to share words of encouragement whenever you are sitting for a family meeting. Take a minute and highlight the good qualities of your family members that you see in them and appreciate their care towards each other. Word of appreciation put a positive impact on your family bond. You can just give 10 minutes of your day to your family but make sure it is dedicated only to them. No work, no office nothing should come in between. Try to develop a good relationship with them and ask about their day. Don’t just start blabbering about what all happened with you throughout.  


Always bring empathy and concern to your tone. Express your excitement for their achievements. They will feel encouraged. You know celebrations always keep a happy vibe on. Celebrate every small achievement. Do something special for your family even if they fail. Support them as much as you can and you will have the healthiest relation with your family. 

Monday, March 15, 2021

Take control of your actions and situations


Every day, you have the ability to choose to take control of your life or to let it control you.  Either you can be proactive or reactive by allowing different conditions to call the shots.


To take control of your life is to take responsibility for yourself and for every part of your life.


Life is going to be a series of things that happen to us.

But it doesn't have to be like that. You can systematically overcome your anxieties and remove the external obstacles that hold you back. You can take the control back. Your life could be yours. Here's how it is.



1. Do something that scares you at least once a week


Too often, fear keeps us from doing what we want to do in life. When you build the habit of confronting your fears, you become insured to fear. And then you begin to break free from the artificial self-imposed constraints that fear creates.


2. Sleep on a regular schedule


Get 7–8 hours of sleep in the night. Go to bed and wake up at around the same time every day. The exact time isn't so important-you could sleep 10–5, 12–8, or even 3–10. What's important is to keep a regular schedule so that your brain can maintain a healthy circadian rhythm. This regularity, in turn, makes it easier to give your life structure and order.


3. Save your money back


When you've saved some extra money, a couple of great things happen. You can afford to treat yourself to a nice thing every so often without worrying about the cost. A large part of your life's stress disappears. But perhaps most importantly, when you live below your means, you no longer have to make life choices with the aim of maximizing your income—you can choose to prioritize other things, such as work-life balance, or follow your passions.



Tuesday, March 9, 2021

How to be a good leader


How to be a good leader


Ensuring that the company has good leaders with the right leadership skills is key to success. Without a clear vision or solid leadership to keep your company on track, you are sadly unlikely to achieve your goals and dreams.


Start by Understanding Your Leadership Style


Understanding the current style of leadership is important. What are your qualities, huh? Which areas need to be improved? One way to start testing your skills is to take this leadership style questionnaire to get a general understanding of how you're going.


Encourage Creativity


One way to encourage creativity is to present challenges to the members of the community, ensuring that the objectives are within the grasp of their abilities. The aim of this form of exercise is to get people to push their boundaries, but not to be discouraged by the barriers to success.


Be Passionate


You can improve this standard of leadership by thinking about the various ways in which you can show your zeal. Let people know you care about their success. If one person shares something with the rest of the community, be sure to tell them how much you appreciate those contributions.


Listen and Communicate Effectively


By keeping the channels of communication open, these leaders will ensure that the members of the community are free to make contributions and gain recognition for their accomplishments.


Motivate Your Followers


Some suggestions for leadership inspiration include being truly enthusiastic about ideas or goals, making followers feel part of the process, and providing appreciation, praise, and incentives for people's achievements.


Saturday, March 6, 2021

The different types of Leadership Styles and how you own them?


Are you using an effective leadership style that works best for you and your team? Get an overview of five common leadership styles and explore how to develop your signature style.


Democratic Leadership


Democratic leadership is one of the most powerful forms of leadership because it enables lower-level workers to exercise power in potential roles they may hold that they will need to use wisely. It also parallels how decisions can be taken in meetings of the business board.


Autocratic Leadership


The leader makes choices in this leadership style, without seeking input from someone who reports to them. Employees are not prior to a course considered or consulted and are required to comply with the decision at the time and speed stipulated by the boss.


Strategic Leadership


Strategic leaders sit at the intersection between the core activities of an organization and its prospects for growth. He or she embraces the responsibility of executive interests while ensuring the existing working conditions for everyone else remain secure.


Transformational Leadership


Transformational leadership is often "transforming" the conventions of the organization and changing them. Employees may have a basic set of tasks and objectives that they accomplish every week or month, but they are continually forced beyond their comfort zone by the boss.


Transactional Leadership


Transactional leaders are pretty prevalent today. For exactly the job they do, these managers compensate their workers. A typical example of transaction leadership is a marketing team that earns a planned incentive to help produce a certain amount of leads by the end of the quarter.

Friday, February 19, 2021

Four rules in order to set yourself up for success


Have you been thinking about what you want to be doing in five years? Are you sure what is actually your main target at work? You need to set targets if you want to succeed. You lack concentration and direction without deadlines. Setting goals not only helps you to take charge of the course of your life; it also gives you a benchmark to determine whether you are actually succeeding.


However, you need to know how to set your goals in order to achieve them.

1. Set Goals That Motivate You

It is crucial that they inspire you when you set goals for yourself: this means making sure they are important to you, and that there is value in achieving them. If you have no interest in the result or given the wider picture, they are insignificant, then the chances of you putting in the job to make them happen are slim. Motivation is critical to achieving targets.



2. Set SMART goals


You've probably already heard about SMART targets. But can you apply the law at all times? The simple fact is that they should be built to be SMART for targets to be powerful. There are several variations of what SMART stands for, but this is the essence: priorities should be:






3. Set Goals in Writing

It is made concrete and tangible by the actual act of writing down a target. You don't have any reasons to forget about it. Use the word "will" when you write, instead of "would like to" or "might."


Post your priorities in visible ways to remind yourself of what you want to do every day. Placed them as a daily reminder on your walls, desk, computer monitor, bathroom mirror, or refrigerator.




4. Make a Plan of Action


In the phase of objective setting, this step is sometimes skipped. You get so focused on the result that you fail to prepare all the steps along the way that are needed. You will know that you are making progress towards your ultimate objective by writing out the individual steps, and then crossing each one off when you finish it. If your purpose is large and challenging, or long-term, this is particularly relevant.



Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Develop your youth leadership skills


Develop your youth leadership skills


“Youth leadership” helps young people to “develop the ability to evaluate their own strengths and weaknesses, set personal and professional goals, and have the self-esteem, trust, motivation, and ability to fulfill them."


The youth group will be improved and more successful by youth leaders, who can inspire their peers and lead by example. These leaders would not come out of the woodwork, however. When programs (the provision of tools, information, and goods to/for young people) and encouragement (such as interpersonal relationships) are in place to facilitate opportunities, young people become successful leaders (the activities, roles, and responsibilities done by youth).



Look for the potential for leadership in everyone


Think of a young person as someone possessing the ability for leadership.

Not everybody feels comfortable conducting a meeting or speaking at an event, but they may be willing to discuss a project or draft a letter to the school or neighborhood newspaper with teachers.

It's worth thinking about all the ways how the health center will involve young people.


Opportunities are when campaigns or events are driven by youth


It is often difficult to take a step back and play a supporting role, but it is the best way to authentically grow leaders. If you ask youth to take control of a job and then plan to do it yourself, you may have a negative effect. It's necessary to keep them accountable when leaders do not come through on an assignment. At the same time, the expertise and assistance you offer to the community must be reviewed to ensure that priorities are transparent, a timetable has been established, and follow-up has been carried out to inquire about any additional help necessary.

Make sure that young people have the guidance required to complete the activities decided upon.



Provide plenty of preparation and straightforward advice



To recognize public health problems, educational models, and strategies of successful publicity, young people need preparation. Education may be facilitated with in-house workers or with an outside resource individual in collaboration so that young people feel secure in their knowledge and skills. For making signs, this is as real as for leading a conference or talking to school administrators. The level of training should also progress as tasks become more advanced. Ensuring that young people are ready for each assignment will raise their confidence and make better use of their time.



Wednesday, August 15, 2018


Every living being in the universe loves being FREE.
It’s their right to enjoy, to be & remain in the complete state of FREEDOM.

But, what this #freedom actually is?

Celebrating the Independence Day today, is historically significant, as getting free from the clutches of British Empire, being enslaved for 200 years & more.
Yes of course, a big win that was, and that surely is.

We all have grown up reading through the pages in History about the struggle, the courage, the sacrifice & the resilience which was shown by our country-men during these two centuries.
Just close your eyes & imagine being a part of those times, step into the lives and we shall have spine chilling experience arousing all sorts of extreme emotions of anger, fear & despair within us.

And we shall know, and may can understand, what BEING FREE actually means?

We wanted to be free, because someone from outside, who was not from amongst us, entered our house and became dictator of our lives.
They came, they entered and they soon could spot and identify the vulnerabilities, we as an individual and as a family exposed.
They were learned, smart, shrewd and thus could easily play on our weaknesses, exploit us and ruled us for two centuries.

As a big mass of people, even in those times, we were easy prey to their cunning tactics.
Over the years, from time to time, our country gave birth to leaders, who within their domain of action & influence, tried to put up a fight.
But, many of these were skirmishes which were put off every time it raised heads. And ironically, every time the mutiny like situation was raised, it died it’s death by the weaknesses of their own people.

It doesn’t mean that it failed to create an impact. It surely did.
But it needed back to back collective efforts & sacrifices for 200 years to arrive at the complete freedom from physical bondage.

Why a whole of two centuries?
Why the struggle for freedom went on for such a long time?

It’s because every time a wave was about to be formed to rise to the crest, it was broken down and divided into small in-effective small thrusts, resulting into reduced significance.
This happened, because we were available to be divided, to be influenced.

This is a part of the History we know of.
Without a pinch of doubt, it gives us immense pride to read and know this long journey of struggle for freedom.
It does raise our heads in high esteem to know about the leaders which our country was blessed with in those times, who tried with unified efforts, without caring enough about their own lives.
  • Have we proved ourselves as worthy successors to our predecessors?
  • Did they actually envision, hope, desire, dream and wish for the India that we are living in today?
  • Are we doing enough to claim rightful eligibility of being called as the citizen of this great Nation?
  • Are we not still vulnerable to all types of external influences & self-weaknesses and easily get broken into pieces in the name of caste, creed, colour & religion?

It’s time to question the credibility of the role that we are playing.
  • Speaking honestly, Are we convinced enough about our roles, our actions towards anything & everything?
  • Isn’t it that we are pampering ourselves on every wrong foot we put and somehow come up with intellectual excuses and keep giving benefit of doubt to ourselves for not able to justify the result?
  • Aren’t we alwayz ready to jump into blame game and conveniently shift the responsibility onto the others and smartly distancing ourselves out of the criticality?

We are still the same people, of the times when they used to be guided like a flock of herd. With little education at their disposal, most of them relied on other’s brain to run their lives. Disappointingly, we still do the same.
We fear to get up and question.
We fear to take responsibility.
We fear to lead.
And thus we always have, and always had less of the leaders and more of the mass of followers flocking like herd.
We need #leaders in every family, every home.
Unless we are ready to face the challenges head on,
Unless we get up to be a change to bring about one,
Unless we start using our own brains, our own intellect, common sense and conscience,
we are still vulnerable to the forces who are ready to pounce on us for their benefits.

We need to know and understand our own paths, and most importantly knowing where are we heading towards?

And once we start thinking in this direction, we can say that we have begun our struggle for freedom.
The struggle is far from over.
The challenges are immense and shall keep growing with every step we take.
The road is steep.
But unless we begin today, we wouldn’t be in a position to face our own self, towards the dusk of our life.

It’s important to celebrate the day, which very well helps to rekindle & reignite the dormant spirits within us. But equally important is to ensure at the same time, that we shall keep the flame ignited and light up the whole nation by our deeds.


Jai Hind!
Wishing the spirit of happy Independence Day to all.

#15thAugust2018 #72ndIndependenceDay

By –

Sanjay Jogani
Mumbai. India.
Email - Sanjay.blogger.1210@gmail.com
Visit - sanjay-jogani.blogspot.com/in

Mention about any person, place, event, picture, image or logo; is just for reference purpose to enhance the essence of writing for better presentation. It's not intended to trespass the rights of the original owners.

Saturday, March 31, 2018


It makes me wonder what to write about #Women on International Women’s Day, the ones about whom the History has been written, time & again.

Ever since centuries and ages in time, the significant events or happenings, invariably saw the women at the centre stage, playing the most pivotal role, culminating eventually to create History.

The most popular epics in Indian mythological scene are “Ramayana” & “Mahabharata”, roots their emergence mostly based on the powerful virtues & strong characters  of “Ma Sita” “Draupadi”, “Mandodari”, and so on…

We talk about Ghosha, Lopamudra, Maitreyi, Gargi of Vedic age (almost 3000 years and before); were the women with substance, immense intellect, knowledge & wisdom.

If we take into account the recent History of 19th & 20th Century India, we have, 
Rani Lakshmibai, who led the revolt against the British, better known as warrior queen; 
Kittur Chnnanmma, who rebelled against East India Company; 
Savitribai Phule, an activist who started first school for women; 
Sarojini Naidu, an activist and a poet, popularly known as Nightingale of India; 
Captain Prem Mathur, the first woman pilot in India, 
Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, the first woman and the first Indian President of United Nations General assembly 
and the list goes on….

Even today, whether in Politics or Sports, Business or Economics, a Home-Maker or a Corporate Head, women have been cruising strongly in all departments, at home or away.

With extreme ease and adaptability, they can and have enacted various roles of life with excellence.

Just a couple of days back, news was aired on a TV Channel that India has the highest percentage of women pilot in the world, near to 12% (1200 in figures). 

And such a news becomes all the more important, as because, especially in the country like India, where still the dogmatic customs & traditions are being practised, which deprives the women of their rights to exercise their skills, talents & knowledge for their own growth as well as that of the Nation.

So, when we talk about the celebration of International Women’s Day and it’s importance, it’s actually meant to and is supposed to highlight and emphasise the contribution of women all throughout since time immemorial.

They are & they have always been celebrities.

It’s virtually impossible for any system to operate to an optimum performance with required efficiency, unless ably supported by women as one of the important catalysts, may it be leading from the front or behind the curtains holding the pillars strong.

Men are generally known to make powerful business decisions. 
But, I have seen many of them, thrive on the wisdom of their better halves to march ahead. 
And quite astonishingly the wisdom the women possess is purely based on the simplicity with which they look towards a problem or a situation.

In today’s time of super paced age, women are emerging and leading from all the frontiers, matching pace with the changing times at the speed of thought, with much stronger will & execution.
Here I do not intend to undermine anybody’s integrity or pampering with gender biased-ness, but, the fact remains a fact. 
I am sure many of my male friends shall agree with me, that implementing thoughts & power of execution, is what females are best at.

As our Prime Minister Shri Narendra Mody says, that the focus is now not on “Women development”, but it’s more on “Women led development”, is undoubtedly a worthy statement.

We all need to grow beyond our perspectives to actually understand that it’s a foolish exercise to talk about gender in-equality any more.

At the same time it's very important and a must that a man and a woman always complement each other, as both of them possess the virtues of strengths & weaknesses of the other partner, within their own psychology.
So when one can develop a perspective about the other and his/her situation, then to move together becomes easy & smooth.

I would not miss to mention here, that I am blessed with wonderful friends in women, who have been playing an extra-ordinary role in my life, helping me to evolve and strengthen my intrinsic traits, to keep growing in my journey through life.

This write-up is an effort to salute & to bow in reverence to all the women in the world, without whom the words “life” and “living”, doesn’t hold any significance.

The Women and their extra-ordinary contribution since ages have always been celebrated, and today, we continue & vow to emphasize as a part of our moral duty to put an effort to honour their presence, their work, their existence.

By –
Sanjay Jogani (Saluting the Women Power)
Mumbai. India.
Email - sanjay.blogger.1210@gmail.com
Visit - sanjay-jogani.blogspot.com

Mention about any person, place, event, picture, image or logo; is just for reference purpose to enhance the essence of writing for better presentation. It's not intended to trespass the rights of the original owners.

Right to be Happy

Right to be happy

Sometimes I wonder, how much we all have immersed ourselves in various kind of duties, commitments, have-to-do lists, responsibilities......??

The web thus created, we made it as our #ComfortZone.

And when suddenly we come across some happy & exciting opportunities on our way, our deep entanglement doesn't allow us to step out of it.
We resist & avoid switching modes.

We have stopped looking for alternate ways & options, when it comes to make our own selves happy.

We have & in fact we find, hundreds of ways to fulfil our social, family & work demands, but when it's the case of our own wishes, our own dreams, our own happiness, then somehow we tend to pull ourselves away.
We start looking the other way.
We start forming excuses to support our denials.

Dunno, somehow there surfaces a feel of guilt, as if we actually didn't deserve to pamper ourselves.
Somehow, the feel of freedom is missing.
Every thought and every act, is subject to someone or something.

Why can't we develop and build a beautiful world of friends & family around us, where there is mutual sharing of each other's responsibilities & willing intention to step up to fill up the proxy for the other.

This shall make it so easy & convenient for one to feel & experience the freedom and liberty to see & chase his/her dreams, and explore the world around.
A little push and a little encouragement, to make one see beyond the limited space, which they know & have made to be so called world for them.


By - Sanjay Jogani
Mumbai. India.

Mention about any person, place, event, picture, image or logo; is just for reference purpose to enhance the essence of writing for better presentation. It's not intended to trespass the rights of the original owners.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

The Season Of Exams

The season of Exams.

Here comes February & March, and everything comes to a stand still.

No extravagant family outing, plans, travelling & commitments.
The focus is only on ONE thing.
And that is, the students preparing for their all important finals & parents-teachers keeping a close watch. (As good as exams for them too :-))

Just went to drop my Son for his 1st exam of XII boards today.
Amazing scene of students & parents all around.
Last minute check-lists being carefully and hurriedly covered.
  • The hall ticket,
  • The writing board,
  • The compass box kit,
  • To check whether enough numbers of pens & pencils there,
  • To check for water bottle,
  • last minute advise on how to approach the paper, how not to leave any question unanswered,
  • last minute hugs and kisses...
This is simply amazing.

If we closely look at all these emotions turned into actions, we see there is lots and lots at stakes, lots invested on every student with respect to time, money & energy, not only by the parents, but also by teachers, the institution and the education department.

To see their child passing out with flying colours in all important boards exams, is every parent's dream.
Right from the time the child is put into kindergarten, the immediate destination in mind is STD X & XII boards.
And this we believe, sets the tone for an entry & eventual jump into the career oriented graduation stream.

But, I somehow feel, the things have changed or constantly changing, from the perspective of students.
Students appearing for XII boards seem to be much calmer & confident. One of the reasons may be, it being their second outing & experience of appearing for boards, after X boards. Good for them.

At the same time, I have noticed that most of the students at this stage of their academic pursue are not ready or prepared to commit on any particular onward course of studies.

I remember our school & college days in 1990's, when these used to be our all important stepping stone to launch ourselves for higher studies and which also used to set tone for what we actually wanted to become professionally in the career to follow.
May be, limited choices of academics during those times helped us with better clarity pertaining to the same.

Today, the choices are immense, much beyond usual Science, Commerce & Arts. Each of these primary fields of studies now have umpteenth number of sub-choices, leading to or can say branching out to many unknown and unexplored territories of career & profession.

Every year or an alternate, a new subject, a new stream is launched into the mainframe.
And thus, the approach to look towards academics is changed.
More and more inclination towards liberal arts education is seen, where it offers flexibility to the students with respect to their area of interest & strengths.

But in no way it means that students are not thinking or going for core careers pertaining to medicine, engineering or finance.
Yes there are students with strong grip over technical subjects like Mathematics, Physics, Biology and also much clear about their course of studies to be pursued.
But what I am hinting at is, that the volume of students (would rather mention "unsure" students) is increasing every year, who are ready to throw their weights or experiment on any unusual, little offbeat and apparently challenging stream of academics or profession.
And while choosing so, interestingly, their attention to the "pay pack" is secondary.

In anywayz, not going into much details about the intricacies of various opportunities available in today's times, the fact remains that for us parents, who are with school of conservative thoughts, would like to see our children to be sincere in what they study, sustain focus (feel pity for them in these times of electronic distractions) and have clarity about their future.
And quite obviously, who wouldn't like their child to be consistent enough to walk his path towards secured future which they have seen/dreamt for themselves.

So, between outgoing winter and welcoming of the summer, we have these few dayz, which tests our temperament to the extremes.
Let's keep enjoying these times which give us enough spice & space to talk, argue and debate.
At least it is one thing which invariably unites all the students at one side and all what-so-called chasers at the other. ;-)

Once again, wishing best of the luck to all the students (more of that to the parents) to perform at their best, justifying their abilities.

Small request to all my young friends.
If possible, try to understand at least a little from your parent's perspective, when they are trying to help you to pull yourself out of your compulsive addiction towards electronic gadgets, which you are stuck with even during the times which demands more of your focus and personal attention.

By - Sanjay Jogani
Mumbai. India.

Mention about any person, place, event, picture, image or logo; is just for reference purpose to enhance the essence of writing for better presentation. It's not intended to trespass the rights of the original owners.

Monday, December 25, 2017

Wah TAJ !!


Call it a poem or The Story....

A Christmas to remember, 

5 years back, on Christmas, I was fortunate to visit THE TAJ MAHAL, the legendary Historic monument at Agra.

Alwayz amazed to see, how a festival diffuses & dissolves the man-made differences & discrimination of caste, creed, colour; name, fame & religion...

Here, I'm longing to see Taj with my eyes, could manage to be there after 4 decades in my life,The TAJ as being promised, turned out to be larger than life,

The Tall as it stands, defying Geometricity, with sheer beauty, grace & elegance,
As white as milk, made of marble slabs meticulously placed and engraved, the one of it's kind in the world,

Lots is said about The TAJ in History, but when you see it in real, it defies History and its angles, such is the aura of this monument.

This is the "poetry of love" given a dimension of touch, beyond just the feel & imagination,You move your fingers on every pillars and the walls, and it takes you back in times, towards the era of it's birth.

Close your eyes & imagine thousands of emotions at work;the idea & the plan,the passion & the fire,the hard-work & the sweat,the smiles on every step moving towards the fulfillment of the mission, to create a wonder to be remembered for the generations to follow, not to mention, a reverential beauty, "The Mansion".

Being there at the time of Christmas, the festival matching the elegance of this marvel, the smiles & happiness in the air around.The Christmas lights, Jingle of the bells and the music in the hearts, made TAJ a gift from SANTA, unwrapped for thousands to get soaked up in the white glow, wondering where the light is coming from, is it the Moon or The TAJ.?

Look at the TAJ and all your questions and the problems become miniature.One gets dumbstruck, with wide open unblinking eyes, bowing in awe and reverence to the beauty in times.

By Sanjay Jogani25.12.2017

Making your family feel special

   “Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family.” –Anthony Brandt. Our family and friends are always the first with who...